I really hate saying: ” I know it’s been a while since I blogged…”

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But it has been a while :P

The reasons are multivaried, but basically the blog just didn’t have any real puprose for me after a point. I’ve started to think that this might change. But it would change in a radical way. So far the blog was functioning as a way of letting off some steam and keep in touch with some friends abroad. I don’t think that anybody actually monitors this blog anymore. For that matter I’m discontinuing it’s use as it was so far.

From now on, this blog is mostly goint to carry some of my ideas and thoughts. The language is going to be Greek and the purpose of this site would eb to find a way into people’s minds and possibly create an outlet for some residual ideas I’ve been having.

Again if you’re interested in what’s being written here, but don’t speak greek!, drop me a line and I’ll work something out.

As for the rest of you?

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